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Update #3 - Sunday, August 19, 2018

Four weeks down, three to go before Game #1. The next two weeks are when the real work begins on our show. We are settled in at 9 AM – 3 PM every day this week … come ready to give 100% effort, 100% of the time!


#1. Week 3 – Recap:



  • For our first time doing 9 AM - 6 PM rehearsals, the band handled it quite well. Hopefully, those long days will give us more endurance for shorter rehearsals from here on out.

  • We're sounding better each and every day. By the end of Wednesday's rehearsal, some sections were starting to have some breakthroughs in balance, tone, and volume. 

  • We had a pretty good turnout at the first booster meeting on Tuesday night (compared to previous years). We can certainly do better, but it was a good start.

  • We were officially approved for the Peach Bowl trip! More information on this later in the email.

  • The school board approved our new Pom coach, Mr. Shannon Hopkins, on Monday night and the squad had excellent rehearsals with him on Tuesday and Wednesday.


Suggestions/Improvement Areas:

  • Individuals are going to ruin it for everyone else if directions continue to be disregarded. In case I was not clear ... 1) the gym is off limits at all times, 2) the band room is food and "sugary drink" free (for EVERYONE), and 3) rides must be at the school no later than 3:45 PM (15 minutes after activity buses leave). 

  • I have a suspicion there are many members of our organization who haven’t looked ahead on their personal/family calendars and submitted excuse forms in advance for absences. This is only going to affect us negatively down the line. As we always say, "take care of your business before it becomes the band's business."

  • Remember: “praise publicly, criticize privately.” Sectional/small group time must be productive time. Our band is full of talented people with great ideas, but we can’t all be trying to lead or give input at the same time. This is how conflict begins and people tasked with leading feel like their toes are being stepped on. If you have a suggestion or want to address something, work with your leader and me to address it at the next sectional.


#2. Week 3 – Goal Recap:

Each week this season, we will recap our goals. I always over-program each week, but it would certainly be nice to check off every box… it is possible!


Last week’s goals (how we did)

[X] Finish marching fundamentals (3Q turn review, pinwheels, slants, box drills)

[~] Refine & Memorize School Songs (section checks this week, individuals next)

    > Decent job with Fight Song – the rest are coming this week!

[NO] Drill Chart Reading 101 (moved to Monday 8/20)

[NO] Test new stadium stands seating & "sound check" (moved to Monday 8/20)

[X] Tier 1 Stands Music: memorization rehearsals

[X] Tier 2 Stands Music: play through all (played through all we need for Game #1)

[X] Tier 3 Stands Music: start at least three

[X] Parade (playing/marching): increasing distance (using memorized Tier 1 music)

[X] Binder Checks (all instrumentalists & drumline)

    > Checks will continue tomorrow through Thursday!

[X] Uniform Fitting (Seniors, Juniors & Sophomores – Freshmen next week)


This week’s goals for Week #4:

[  ] Monday AM: check learning/memorization of NFL, Jam, & Get Ready

[  ] Monday AM: drill reading 101 activities

[  ] Monday AM: Reinforce marching fundamentals & spend time with individuals

[  ] Monday PM: Get into stadium stands & “sound check” with video & audio

[  ] MONDAY: Begin drill rehearsals (new components each day this week)

[  ] TUESDAY: Distribute Paradise & begin music rehearsal

[  ] TUESDAY: Read through all new stands music

[  ] WEDNESDAY: Memorize OMG & Block Band music outdoors

[  ] THURSDAY: Band Officer Nominations (more info TBA)

[  ] ONGOING: Continue parade marching & playing + marching skills

[  ] ONGOING: Extend memorization rehearsals to Tier 2 and Tier 3 music

[  ] ONGOING: School Songs: memorization checks (individuals for fight song, sections on rest)


#3. Member To-Do List

[ ] VERY LATE: Medical Information Sheets

[ ] VERY LATE: Yellow Agenda Signature Sheets (Page 36)

[ ] BY THURSDAY: Pay for Marching Shoes (if sized: $36 reg./$39 super). Checks to B&B Music.

[ ] ASAP: Submit ANY Excused Absence Requests (for August to December)

[ ] ASAP: Log in to Charms & Update Personal Information

[ ] LATE: Sign up for all appropriate Remind groups (see agenda: page 7)

[ ] LATE: Instrumentalists/Drumline: complete & organize music binders (more checks coming)

[  ] ASAP: Winds/Drumline, purchase ear plugs ($1.50, cash in labeled envelope)


#4. Weekly Schedule/Weather:

Monday, August 20:

  • Full Band, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM

    • Freshmen – start uniform fitting

  • Mostly Cloudy, 81° (feels like 87°)

  • UV Index 7/10 (High)

Tuesday, August 21:

  • Full Band, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM

    • Freshmen – continue uniform fitting

  • Mostly Cloudy & Humid, 84° (feels like 90°)

  • UV Index 3/10 (Moderate)

Wednesday, August 22:

  • Full Band, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM

    • Finish any remaining uniform fittings

  • Partly Sunny & Humid w/40% Chance of Showers, 86° (feels like 91°)

  • UV Index 8/10 (Very High)

Thursday, August 23: **best weather day**

  • Full Band, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM

  • Mostly sunny & less humid, 80° (feels like 84°)

  • UV Index 8/10 (Very High)



#5. Peach Bowl Update

We are approved to travel to Atlanta! Monday night marked the end of a five-month process since we first submitted approval paperwork back in March. Despite all of the obstacles, and obviously a much shorter window of time for us to make payments and prepare for the trip, it will be worth it. We are not completely out of the woods yet… we still need to count on those who said they would be traveling with us on the decision form to submit their first payments.


I previously stated I would have information mid-to-late week; however, since our Peach Bowl representative ended up being out of the office last week, I had no choice but to wait to speak with him until tomorrow afternoon. Unless there are any more delays that come from tomorrow’s conversation, I will be sending home information on Tuesday, which will include the first deposit date and amount, travel information, and the trip agreement form.


Thank you for your understanding and patience – I can only move as fast as information can be gathered and organized, especially during this time of the year when the band staff’s focus should be entirely on our show and the start of the football season.



#6. Parent Updates


Beats from the Boosters:

Freshmen uniform fitting this week – sign up in Charms to help Monday (10-1pm) and Tuesday (9-12) morning. Wrapping it up!

  • Band cookout – August 23rd – 1pm

    • We (Boosters) are providing meats/buns for the cookout (there is a sign up if your child is vegetarian – we have options!)

    • Each instrument section has been assigned food – see below & have your child sign up in the band room.

      • Trombone/Baritone/Tuba – Condiments

      • Trumpet/Mellophone – Fruit

      • Drumline – Drinks

      • Flute/Clarinet – Cookies and/or Brownies

      • Saxophone/Colorguard – Chips

      • Pom/Baton – Paper Products

    • Opportunities - Help cook dogs and burgers with Mark; Set-up and organize the foodstuff


If you have questions about a volunteer opportunity, contact us at



That is all for this week.


If you have any questions, email me at, and please copy G. Batten ( on any responses sent to me. 


Thank you & have a great week,

- Mr. Kenney

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