The Pride of Sussex County & Georgetown, Delaware
Sussex Technical High School "Raven Nation" Marching Band

Update #6 - Monday, September 3, 2018
Game Week #1 - Away vs. Milford HS​
Just four days from the posting of this update, we will be lined up taking the field for our first Friday night performance of the season! There is a *LOT* to cover between now and then, so I am going to get right to it...
Last week was a preview of the rehearsal time we will be working with from this point on as we start the school year. As I know we're all feeling at this point... band camp is never long enough to do everything we need to do! With that said, we have room to grow and develop our show, we have a strong musical foundation to build on, and we are much further ahead we have been in previous years! Another advantage for us this year is our first truly "big" performances are just over three weeks away (first home game on 9/21 & Norfolk State Battle of the Bands on 9/22).
One important topic looking ahead to the fall semester ... upon doing school year prep last week, I realized that we will need to face a familiar obstacle within our program, but it is a much bigger hurdle this year. The obstacle I'm referring to is the difference between our band class rosters and our full band roster. I have not crunched the exact numbers yet due to time, but at least two dozen band members are not enrolled in a band class during marching season. This is important because we are going to need to take extra time to "double back" for those who miss what we cover during class, and we are going to be leaning on those not in class to be responsible for practicing outside of school. Quite simply, we will succeed or fail this season based on our after-school attendance, and the practice habits of those not in band class. The band classes will need to be the "core" for us to lean on musically, since they will be the first to tackle new material and they will get the most quality time refining current material. Let's get off to a good start with after-school rehearsals this week and keep it that way!
This week's goals are a little different, as you will see below. Unfortunately last week the band staff was stretched very thin due to afternoon in-service events, plus, our goals were steep to start with for only having 9 hours of rehearsal time.
Last Week's Goals:
[X] Nominate 2018-19 Officers by Wednesday 3PM; Elections on Thursday
[X] Finish drill for Get Ready
[X] Add guard/pom features on field (Paradise & OMG)
[X] Play through entire show memorized on field by 3 PM Thursday
[NO] Start block band routine (transition, choreography, and field exit)
[NO] Play through music on Game #1 playlist from memory
[NO] Get to 100% paperwork received (medical info & yellow sheets)
This Week's Goals (BARE MINIMUM)
[ ] Elect Band Officers (Tuesday - Paper Ballot)
[ ] Finish Game #1 Show:
( ) Clean up field positions: NFL, Jam, Get Ready, Paradise, & OMG
( ) Learn transition move to block band ("Hot In Herre")
( ) Learn choreography for "Bad Boy For Life" **SEE ATTACHMENTS SECTION FOR VIDEO**
( ) Game #1: transition to "Run This Town", "stack up" movement, & field exit on cadence
[ ] Review Game #1 Stands Music Playlist
[ ] Distribute shirts ($10) and gloves ($3 or $15) -- more info below​
[ ] Establish band class seating & class expectations: Period 1 & Period 7
I will continue to post the weather throughout the year so you can dress accordingly!
Tuesday, September 4: [EVEN DAY]
After-School Rehearsal, 3:30 PM - 5:50 PM​
Humid & possible showers, 92° (feels like 103°)
Wednesday, September 5:​ [ODD DAY]
Full Band, 3:30 - 5:50 PM
Partly Sunny; Chance of t-storms, 90° (feels like 102°)
Thursday, September 6:
NO SCHOOL - Teacher In-Service (No activity buses)
Friday, September 7:​ [EVEN DAY]
Game Weather Forecast: 75° w/60% chance of thunderstorms
Monday 9/10 [ODD]: NO REHEARSAL
Tuesday 9/11 [EVEN]: After-School Rehearsal, 3:30 - 5:50 (POLO SHIRT ORDER DUE)
Parents Meeting, 6:30 - 7:30
Wednesday 9/12 [ODD]: Drumline Rehearsal, 3:30 - 5:50
Thursday 9/13 [EVEN]: After-School Rehearsal, 3:30 - 5:50
Friday 9/14 [ODD]: Game #2: Away at Salesianum​ (timeline to be posted on Sunday 9/9)​
NOTE: If you miss the 4:30 PM bus, you will need to be picked up or take activity bus home!
3:15 PM: End of School Day
3:30 PM: Meet at Rehearsal Field for Walk-Through
4:00 PM: Dismiss from field: 30 minutes until departure.
( ) Change into half uniform
( ) Load instrument/equipment onto truck
4:25 PM: Band Room Locked Up
4:30 PM: DEPART STHS (attendance taken on bus)
5:00 PM: Arrive at dinner stop (Chick-Fil-A/Little Caesar's/Hardee's/Starbucks)
5:50 PM: Depart for Milford HS
6:00 PM: Unload, warm up, tune. **The performance starts now!**
6:30 PM: March into stadium directly to off-the-field positions
6:40 PM: Perform Pre-Game Show!
7:00 PM: Kick-Off
~9:15 PM: End of Game (approximate)
( ) Students being picked up must wait until an adult signs them out w/photo ID.
~9:45 PM: Depart Milford HS (a Remind text will be sent with arrival time)
~10:15 PM(?): Arrival at STHS (15 min pick-up window starts)
~10:30 PM (15 min. after arrival): LOCK UP/CAMPUS CLEAR
In the event of lightning at any point from our arrival at Milford HS until the end of the game, we will immediately load equipment and board the buses. If the forecast shows heavy rain, we will do the same thing. We will evaluate the situation and determine whether we will stay or leave. We will always try to stay on-schedule with the timeline posted above. This is mainly in the interest of health and safety, but it also because we can't take a risk with our instruments getting wet. The school simply does not have the money to replace instruments that receive extreme moisture damage.
- The band will receive a 3rd quarter break after Milford HS finishes their show. I expect the band to be quiet and respectful while they are performing. (Treat others the way you want to be treated).
- Bring cash for dinner at our dinner stop and for concessions during 3rd quarter break. ALWAYS let non-band customers past you. We call the restaurants 1 to 2 days before, so they are expecting us.
- REVIEW THE BAND MEMBER AGENDA, PAGES 19-20. Everything will be enforced. Specifically -- do not unzip/unbutton your jacket unless we are all in the proper shirts and were ALL given permission. This applies to 3rd quarter break as well. This is in the best interest of the professionalism and appearance of our program in performance! Remember, a uniform is meant to be uniform... or what's the point??
- Everyone's purpose at the game is to perform, support our team, and represent our school positively. If you keep that first and foremost in your mind, we will have a successful night.
- The best way to ensure the safety and security of your instrument, equipment, and belongings is to keep it with you, or keep it with the staff/parents.
- Do not take anything "extra" with you that you can't afford to lose. There is no place for cell phones in the stands, so do not bother taking them into the stadium with you. Our buses will be secure.
The last two uniform items not yet handed out are the white t-shirt as the jacket undershirt, and gloves. These will be available starting mid-day tomorrow in Room 690 and will be available at any time from 1:30 PM tomorrow until 3:15 PM on Friday. **DO NOT ASK TO PURCHASE ANYTHING AFTER 3:15 PM FRIDAY - WE WILL NOT HAVE THE TIME OR RESOURCES**
Payment reminders:
- Shirts: $10 - CHECKS TO: Ravens Music Boosters or "RMB")
- Gloves $3 (nylon gloves) or $15 (no-fingertip leather gloves). CHECKS TO: Sussex Tech HS
If any band families own a drone and have the proper FAA registrations, we could really use one to get a true aerial view of our rehearsals. We currently do not have a good enough vantage point to be able to make detailed corrections to our field positions and stadium access is difficult to obtain. If this is a possibility, please email Mr. Kenney (
On August 31, the Member's Area was updated with the Game #1 Playlist (for memorization purposes). A new "attachments" section should be at the top-right of this page. ​
"Beats from the Boosters"
This is THE week folks! Football season is upon us and hopefully cooler fall weather right behind it! Be sure to check Charms to sign up to help – ride the bus, stands help, water and bathroom breaks. Remember if you are signing up to ride the bus, you MUST have your criminal background check in to Grace Batten.
Polo Shirt & Jacket Orders & Money – due 9/11 at the booster meeting. ALL BAND members must have one (excludes pom, colorguard, majorettes unless they want one for fundraising events)
Parent dress for friday – black pants or jeans, closed toe shoes, Tech polo or other Tech appropriate shirt. It helps our students identify help if we are uniformly dressed.
Thanks for voting to approve extending the apparel budget for this fall! We are adding gloves, 2 styles of beanies, scarves, blankets, baseball caps, wide brim sun hats, sweatshirts, and short & long sleeve t-shirts to our booster sales table!
Gift Card Wreath Challenge!! What did you say?? Sections – this is for you! Collect donations for GIFT CARDS to fill our wreath! There is a special gift card donation letter in Charms to print out when asking for donations.
Incentive you ask? Absolutely!! The section that brings in the highest dollar amount in gift cards wins a pizza party OR ice cream party!
Boosters will be selling raffle tickets at home football games for people to win the wreath – let’s make it a jam packed fabulous wreath!
Fundraisers going on currently: Remember all should be helping to fundraise!
WaWa hoagie cards
Scrip Gift card fundraiser – did you know there are over 700 businesses to choose from?! You can find the order form on Charms!
Georgia House tickets are going out on Monday 8/27
Upcoming Fundraisers:
September 24th – Georgia House dinner – students have tickets – sell them!
October is for Krispy Kreme Donuts! The volume of donuts that we sell is UNBELIEVABLE! And not to mention DELICOUS!
These fundraisers help to decrease the total cost of trips planned for the band and help to keep the band running smoothly.
Email us below if you need any of the fundraiser order forms/fliers.
Make sure you have signed up and/or downloaded the Charms app. It is our go-to for volunteering and planning around calendar events!
Next Booster meeting – Tuesday, 9/11, at 6:30 in the band room.
If you have questions about a volunteer opportunity, contact us at